Posts Tagged ‘Walter Potter’

Halloween Horrors

All this talk of demons has got me in the mood for a bit of Halloween mischief. We have unwittingly spent the month building up to Halloween starting off with ‘Ghost Stories‘ at the Duke of York Theatre for my birthday treat followed with several enjoyable viewings of Mark Gatiss‘ ‘A History of Horror’ that reminded me of all the films that I loved as a child who was allowed to watch far too much late night tv. ‘Ghost Stories’ was fun but I did leave feeling a little disappointed. I think we just got so caught up in the hype of it that we were expecting it to be terrifying. We spent most of the evening thinking that the lone woman sitting next to my brother’s girlfriend was a plant so kept sneaking looks at her to see what she was doing. As it turns out, she was just a solitary woman visiting the theatre who we probably unnerved with all our staring…

To add to the sense of the macabre, yesterday we strolled along to Primrose Hill to visit Walter Potter‘s Museum of Curiosity, a bizarre Victorian recreation of different scenarios using stuffed animals at  The Museum of Everything. The athletic toads are an absolute joy! The exhibition was curated by Peter Blake and really does have that distinct air of British eccentricity that one comes to expect. Photos are forbidden on pain of death but it really is worth a visit. From the moment you enter and see the tiny postcards showing carnival folk (I was particularly taken with the moss-haired girl as my hair was particularly unruly yesterday) you get caught up in a tide of the macabre. Highly recommended for a wet Autumn afternoon.