Posts Tagged ‘Pinterest’

My new time wasting obsession

I can happily while away hours just pottering about on the Internet and have found a new way to waste even more time. Pinterest was recommended to me by one of my oldest friends. Like me, she loves all things vintage and loves to look at all things lovely and has actually turned her love of beautiful things into a full time career – lucky woman! Pinterest puts a new spin on social networking and hoarding virtual ‘stuff’. It lets you organize and share any of the interesting and appealing things you find on the web like a pinboard (but much neater!). It is very much like a mood/inspiration board and I can imagine it being really useful if you are planning a wedding or decorating you home. There is even an iPhone app so you can snap up inspiration on the move. All in all, I’m in love. Looking at other people’s boards is an absolute joy and you encounter some really fantastic things. One of my boards can be found here.

To join you either request an invite and join the waiting list (I received my invite in under a week) or find someone that you know who is on it to ‘invite’ you. I found a great guide to getting started here.

Speaking of great finds, one of my good friends is moving on to pastures new at the end of the month and I have found her the perfect gift.

I would be tempted to keep this for myself…if only my name was different…deed poll?!

If you have a nerdy girl/guy in your life, I’d take a look at ShopGibberish on Etsy. I am quite taken with the ‘A Geek For All Seasons‘ card collections myself.