Posts Tagged ‘Etsy’

Rainy days

Between entertaining relatives and finding out the joys of queuing in London with young children (Over 1 1/2 hours to queue for the Natural History Museum – no thank you. Saw way too many toddlers with pained faces dying for a wee to subject my own pseudo nephews to such torture), there has been little time to post this half term.

However, this is just a quick one to point you towards some lovely things on Etsy. I decided to experiment and set up a treasury list. Spending the past couple of days with PlayStation obsessed boys got me thinking about my own childhood and so the theme of the treasury list was born. I had so much fun doing it but it was a dangerous activity for my bank balance. So much lovely stuff! If you fancy a peek, follow the link ‘Flashbacks of a Fool‘.

Am now going to try and knock up a quick cherry pie to make this rainy day a little brighter. Wish me luck as I have rubbish hands for pastry.