Archive for Beauty

Cinematic nails

Don't look too chipped post-baking nails are a shocker!

Have painted my nails a bright, fire engine red for half term. I always feel that darker colours suit the grey tones of the chillier seasons. I love painted nails but tend to resist them during term time as they can be too high maintenance. Am loving this colour though – ‘St. James‘ by Nails Inc. It makes me feel like an old fashioned screen siren.

Masterchef UK – a new style icon?

For the record, I love watching television programmes about food. Our Sky+ is plussed to the max with every foodie show on air at the moment. However, I usually watch them to get ideas and marvel at other people’s technical skill, rarely do I ever expect to find a style icon too…until Masterchef UK 2010 and the arrival of Stacie Stewart. I found myself wondering how she managed to get her eyeliner flick so perfect and marvelling at the height of her beehive when I probably should have been paying more attention to the food! Incidentally, talking of the food, it was lovely looking. Real robust food with attention to detail. Look at her blog to see some of her recipes and you will see what I mean.

We can do it!

Found this little tutorial for those who want to go for a bit of tough girl vintage styling.


To add a perfect 1940s scarf, take a look at Vixen Vintage  for her wonderfully straightforward instructions on how to look more like a 1940s wartime lass and less like Princess Anne…Vixen Vintage is a true modern vintage icon – just check out her hat collection to see what I mean!

For those who prefer a more traditionally feminine approach, you could try this vintage inspired look instead.

To be honest, neither of the videos work on my hair as it is too curly, but both tutorials are a good starting point for you to use as a base for your own variations on a vintage theme. As for the scarf, I love it. Simple, inspired vintage accessorising at its best.

If anyone has any advice about vintage inspired afro/mixed race hairstyling, I would love to hear from you as, although I love my hair in all its natural fuzziness, sometimes, it would be nice to be able to ‘glam it up’!