‘Very flat, Norfolk.’

Noël Coward’s observation neatly sums up Norfolk – they are not kidding when they describe it as a ‘low-lying county’. The tiniest sprinkling of rain that fell through the cracks of a gloriously sunny April weekend led to dusk swirls of mist and brake bothering puddles during our recent long weekend British road trip around East Anglia.

Horsey Windpipe using Hipstamatic...I made the Handyman drive us here purely because the name tickled me. Turns out it was maintained by a highly knowledgeable National Trust bloke who directed us to some seals.

I thought that this trip would be a perfect opportunity to try out Instagram – an iPhone app similar to Hipstamatic which is love dearly, but with more of an emphasis on sharing. It did a great job of capturing the colours of the flowers in the grounds of the abbey at Bury St. Edmunds. I might just be converted, although now I suffer from photo envy whenever I look at Instagram. Some photos are absolutely stunning.

We visited one of the calmest, humane zoos ever during our trip. It was called ‘Africa Alive!’ – yes, it has the cheesiest name ever – and it was a quiet revelation. No pacing Felidae, no cramped excrement throwing chimps, just content animals with loads of space to roam and a focus on conservation rather than tacky novelties. We had a genuinely lovely day and it reminded me of childhood visits to Penscynor Wildlife Park – the true 1980s retro field trip.

Lazy rhinos and elegant zebra roam the fake British Savannah...

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