“Your decolletage is distracting.”

I love the series ‘Mad Men’. Yes, it depicts an essentially male dominant culture where the genders roles are clearly defined as breadwinner vs homemaker. However, the character Joan stands out. She is confident in her sexuality, as ruthless as the men she supposedly ‘serves’ and has a great wardrobe. I can’t pretend that it doesn’t disturb me that she is considered a role model for the ‘larger lady’, as she is hardly large but that speaks volumes about what we now consider a healthy size in the world of television and celebrity.

For an updated view on what the woman herself thinks of all this, take a look at http://stylenews.peoplestylewatch.com/2010/02/15/mad-men-star-christina-hendricks-on-body-scrutiny-it-kind-of-hurt-my-feelings/.


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